Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hey, Where Would We Be Without Those Gadfles?

Gadflies are names for people in history that have been annoying, pestering flies that are constant in their annoyance.

10 Gadflies of American History

1. Alpha & Omega-

2. Socrates- The great philosopher preached about the government. He was charged with "corrupting the minds of the youth". Socrates' pursuit of virtue and hist strict adherence to truth clashed and became problematic for Athenian politics. Plato refers to Socrates as a "gadfly". This metaphor is used because gadflies sting horses into action as Socrates stung Athenian politics in action. His attempts to improve Athens "sense of justice" was the source of his execution by way of Hemlock.

3. Metacom (King Philip)-

4. Johnathan Edwards

5. Nat Turner- An slave that started a rebellion in Virgina that led to the death of 55 deaths. They used melee weapons such as axes, hatchets, and knives to be discreet. The rebellion was to kill all white people with no exceptions.

6. Muckrakers-

7. Thurgood Marshall- Marshall opposed all racial laws during the 1960's. He became popular when he became an essential element in winning the case of Brown v. Board of Education.

8. Protesters-

9. Hippies- (see hippies post)

10.Black Panthers-

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